Senai Factory for Sell

Johor Factory Malaysia Industry Screenshot_20190809-104417_Dropbox_mh1565320323593 Senai Factory for Sell
出售 For Sell

Location : Senai, Industry Park

Total built up area: Approximate 230,000 sq.ft
土地面积 LAND AREA: Approximate 8 acres
电源 POWER SUPPLY: 3000 ampere (HT)
建筑高度 BUILDING HEIGHT: 9-12 mater
土地使用 LAND USE: Medium Industry
占有期 TENURE: Freehold
备注 REMARKS: Come with dormitory (Capacity of 650 to 700 pax), Canteen, Bin Center and Pump House, Natural Gas Supply Area
Selling price on ask
Johor Factory Malaysia Industry tempFileForShare_20190809-110136 Senai Factory for Sell  Johor Factory Malaysia Industry tempFileForShare_20190809-110155-1024x385 Senai Factory for Sell
地址 Address:Senai
城市 City:Johor
国家 County:Malaysia
州省 State:Johor

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